Thursday, May 8, 2008


So yeah...things are done with the ex and I. *I know, I're thinking, "she is STILL talking to and about that guy??!?!?? UGH! When will the torture end????"* I swear to you that this will be the last time I ever mention him. Why? You might ask, because I refuse to allow him to continue on with his crap and that is exactly what it is. Now, I bet you are wondering how exactly am I bringing this all to an end??? Well, even though it is not my style, I have decided that I am going to ignore him. Ok, so I really don't know how well this is going to go because I have never been too good with the whole ignoring thing besides it not being my style of dealing with someone. My thoughts are this, chances are he will not go away right away but I am prepared for this. My plan is to ignore him until I need to put my foot down and just tell him to that I think it would be better for us both for him just to go on his way and me go on mine.

As I stated in a previous post, my very spiritual survival is dependant on how I handle this situation as well as if I continue to allow the ex to be in my life. I firmly believe the very people you allow in your life that are not there for the good of you and what God has planned for you, do not need to be in your life. And the ex is just that person who is NOT good for me or what God has planned for me.

So, there it is...THE END!!! *LOL!*

1 comment:

April E. :) said...

YEAH!!! Stand FIRM sister!!! You can do ARE STRONG enough to have better in your life!