Monday, July 28, 2008

I must be dreaming....

Ok! So I know that in this world and in the day and age that we are living in, things are going to happen that and many others are not going to agree with. I seriously think that I must have been dreaming when I read a report that states that OUR wonderful President has ok'd the execution of an Army soldier. Yeah! I read the report and I know what it says. But who on God's green earth died and left the president judge, jury and, executioner? Or better yet, who left him God?

Let me take a few steps back here...cause I know that this topic of discussion is going to get deep or can get deep depending on the people who are talking about it. I know this topic of discussion brings up more thoughts than just the fact the Bushy is using his power to kill a man and everything else in between. I really don't have too many thoughts on the dealth penalty because there are so many different circumstances that make different situations call for someone to die and others don''s a double-edged sword if you ask me.

I am not sure if I am making much sense here...I guess my main point that I am trying to make is how this is ok? Here is the report for those interested in knowing more...and maybe can understand my confusing soapbox vent.


Unknown said...

I have to say I disagree here (and no hard feelings... I'm just saying...). Did you read this guy's wrap sheet?

I don't believe the PResident is playing God, but you also need to put yourself in the shoes of these women. These families. If he wasn't in the military, would you be as upset by it?

I'm really curious to know your responses to these questions, so I'm not jsut playing Devil's advocate.

I struggle with weather or not the death penalty is right or wrong. But I have to say, it's hard for me to feel bad for the person that's being executed when they have the same rap sheet as this guy. Those girls that he executed... they didn't stand a chance and they didn't do anything wrong.

He committed these crimes in the mid 80s. And he's just NOW being sentenced to death. That long of a time lapse to me is injustice for those girls and their families. Whatever the punishment... it should've been dished out LONG ago.

Becky said...


Please do not get me wrong, I am by no means excusing this guy's major wrong-doings. What he did was wrong and he should pay severly for what he did. I guess my view is more about the president playing the advocate here. My thoughts might not make sense because regardless of this guy being in the military or not, he does need to pay for his evilness and that's no lie; he is pure evil to claim to serve and protect this country only to destroy the very lives he promised to protect. I don't feel bad for the guy either but I wonder if the president should be allowed such a responsibility??? I guess it's a struggle about the dealth penalty...I hope this explains my thoughts a little better.

- Sarah :-) said...

It does make sense what you say, but he's only given this responsibility in the cases of Military because he is the "Commander in Chief" and as the highest ranking military offical there is, it falls under him and him alone.

If this person wasn't in the military, almost any judge in the right court system can give the death penalty sentance. I guess in my eyes it's no different and it only makese sense that they give this only to the man with the absolute highest ranking military authority.

But again - I see what you're syaing... just feel differently, I guess.