Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Senseless Act...

You never think it will hit so close to home. You watch the crime shows and don't really think to much about the subject but more or less of the whodunit. I found out last night that a former employer that I used to work for and with, his granddaughter was murdered at some point over the weekend or the end of last week. Details of when it happened are still vague and what happened as well. From what I am told, Heather recently moved to Oregon. She was 8 months pregnant with a little boy and not knowing many people in a new state, she ventured onto Craigslist.com to find baby clothes for her new baby to be born. As it turned out, she found someone looking to sell clothes that she could and would use when the baby was born. The lady that was selling the items, had made up lies stating that she was pregnant as well and that was how she god Heather to her home. Once there, Heather was hit with a blunt object. Her baby was then cutted out of her and her body was hidden under the kitchen floor for a little time. Apparently the lady called her boyfriend to tell him that she had, had the baby and when he got to her house, the baby was not breathing. The lady didn't seek medical attention for the baby and because of that the baby die not too long after he was born. However, the lady kept the baby even after he had died. I am not sure of the details as I have only been told so much because more is being learned about this senseless act. Heather was 21 years old.

As I said, this hit close to home. I know the Snively family through work and church over the last, 10 years maybe or there about. Steve knows the family since he was very young and his brother, Andrew was best friends with Heather's brother growing up. My brother is friends with and attends the church that the snively family were members of before the church recieved a new pastor who is now my brother's and his family's pastor. Their pastor also works for the owner of the shepherd's guide, Bill. Heather was Bill's oldest son's daughter. The list goes on and on in the whole connection.

When I first heard the news it was just a little snippet of what happend but details were still being investigated. Then last night more came out and above is what I found out. Here is a link to the report I found online to this sad situation. It goes into a little more detail than what I know of course and what maryland news has reported.



April E. :) said...

Wow Becky, that is such a senseless tragedy. I am so sorry to hear that it hit so close to home for you. So sad...my prayers go out to that family.

Becky said...

Thank you