Friday, May 2, 2008

Socks on my feet and other randomness

Did you ever think about the feeling of comfort you get from the most random thing? I just put socks on my feet and I swear the instant warmth I get every time it brings to me. I wish that feeling could last forever and be enough for the rest of my life but alas, it only is but for a fleeting moment until the next time I put socks on my feet.

Why am I talking about putting socks on? Because lately, I have been feeling so drained and tired. This tiredness and feeling drained has taken me to being so restless and wanting to do nothing but sleep.

I simply cannot wait until school is done and over with. I know that this is where God wants me to be and I know I will continue on until it is done but that doesn't mean I still can't wait until it is over.


April E. :) said...

Socks warming your feet = simple pleasure...what's also good is climbing into a warm's to some sleep and rest for you when SCHOOL is done :)

Becky said...
