Thursday, June 19, 2008

Frustration sets in...Dear God HELP ME!!!! *Disclaimer* This is just a vent blog. Please don't think I am crazy or something. I am just venting.

Ok, so I am a little on the frustrated side of life right now. Trying to keep your cool around someone you are butt-crazy about is hard freakin' work!!! Dude, seriously I am totally feelin' like at any moment I am going to do something that is going to end up with me being in one of those, "YEAH! I gotta um go, there is something I forgot to take care of, um...yeah! that's it!" and then just find a rock to crawl under and hide until the rapture comes and takes me up moments. LOL!! Ok!!! So that was a little much there but that is how I am feeling.

When I am around him, I am fine. I try to just go with the flow of things. You know, and oh so collected; BUT the guy is so perceptive that I know eventually he going to see through this facade. Oh! and let me tell you how perceptive he is, this is impressive to me even if he is deaf, he is still a guy and most guys I have known or know are not as perceptive as he is or can be. *Side Note: No offense to any of the guys out there that might be reading this, I have just never known any guy as perceptive as he is. End Side Note* Now when I am not around him, my mind is going in all sorts of different directions. I know, I know...this is not a good place to be in because I may end up taking a chance of somehow, someway mixing up the two worlds I am living in right now and get all sorts of messed up. Here is where my disclaimer comes into play. I know I just sounded like I went on the "coo-coo for coco puffs" side of whatever there but really I am just as sane as the next person...I just describe things a little differently is all. Besides as the title states, this is just a vent blog anyway.

Today we spent most of the afternoon just hanging out and watched a movie, then I took him to work (yeah he is so looking forward to having my what will be old car as soon as I get my new car) and then I came home and did some school work (what else is new there?) and now I am right back to being in the "my mind is in all sorts of different directions" mode. Is this healthy? I am beginning to wonder if maybe school has taken away my ability to be the logical person that I normally am??? Or maybe I just need more sleep??? Anything is possible...Right?

Ok, I better end this here before someone goes looking for a straigh-jacket in my size. Later taters!


- Sarah :-) said...

Wow - been there. But PLEASE pray about it. Pray for peace or a calm mind, or SOMETHING!! ha ha - you're not crazy, but you're going to drive yourself crazy if you aren't careful. We women fall into this HUGE pot of thinking too much - and it can screw things up BIG time. So don't fall into that. Ok? You care about him too much...

Becky said...

Thanks for the comment/advice. I am following your exact plan of action, if you will, to a T. Look for my updated blog soon.